Quizlet's Scrapped Questions

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RejahCityWonders's avatar
The Annoying Quiz was originally going to be called "Quizlette", but after a while, I thought that would be a weird name.  Also, there are many questions that I originally considered, but then scrapped.

There were originally going to be three fusestoppers and three skips.  However, I analyzed every quiz I knew, finding a positive correlation between the number of powerups in a quiz and the number of questions it has.  TISQ, for example, has 100 questions and 8 powerups, TNEB Chapter 1 has 50 questions and 4 powerups.  Each chapter of TIQB has only 2 powerups.  The Impossible Fan Quiz has 50 questions, 3 skips and no fusestoppers.

So I thought a quiz with 60 questions and 6 powerups was simply wrong, and had to scrap some powerup obtains.

Question 3: 1 + 2 = ?  The answer is the question number.
This question steals the idea of Q 17 of the Impossible Quiz.  After thinking, I didn't want to claim it.

Question 11: Press the up arrow key on the keyboard! (only 1/5th of the letters are visible at a given frame)
Since the user actually sees what to do without working anything out, I didn't think this question was good enough.

Question 13: Press the F key (you're presented with a piano keyboard but you're supposed to press F on the typewriter)
I wanted to make a prank-keyboard question like Qs 7 and 27 of the Impossible Quiz 2, but that's the best idea other than "the right key" or "press one!" I could come up with.
Since not everyone plays the piano, and only a piano player would fall for the trick, I removed the question.  The question "What's disturbing?" took the spot.

Question 17: It was originally going to have Spatula and Rubber sleeping, where you're supposed to press Z on the keyboard to proceed.

Question 19: That's the prank-keyboard question saying, "Type it on the keyboard!" and I had a hard time figuring out how to put it so that not too many people would get suspicious.
It was originally gonna say, "Click on the word CARD"... 

Question 20: It was going to be labeled 21 and the user was going to have to figure out this mistake.
The Never-Ending Book used this idea so I scrapped it.
The question "What do you want to shoot?" took the spot.

Question 21: This question was going to be labeled 20 and refer to the previous question, so it had its own fate as well.

Question 22: Pick any four! (clickables are three 2's, three 4's, three 7's, three A's, three L's, three T's, three spheres, three cubes, and three hexagons of different decorations)
My intentions were that the answer is to click one of the 4's, and the common mistake is to click 4 of the 27 clickable options.  It was hard to believe that most people would actually fall for that.

Question 25: This was originally going to be an impossible question which requires the use of a skip.  But in this case, you might achieve the perfect grade with this question skipped, and figure everything out.

Question 26: How many letters are in the alphabet?  11 (T H E A L P H A B E T); the question number takes a life upon click.
This stole an idea from the Impossible Quiz so it was removed.

Question 27: An original version of Question 40 of TAQ, asking "Into how many thirds was Francisco Pizarro's birthday cake divided?"  You're supposed to figure out that the answer is three, because so long as they're thirds, there are three of them.
I felt like this question was too easy and most teenagers would figure it out on the first try.  So I removed it.

Question 29: The code that Question 12's answer options revealed was originally going to be BLOODY, not 145299.  I then decided that an alphabet keyboard would take up a lot more space than a number pad so I changed it to a number.

Question 30: Since the name of the quiz was originally "Quizlette", the question would've been "What is your opinion of Quizlette so far?"

Question 36: Which is the largest?  (answer options are 10, 31, 55, 76; correct answer is C in the question, because that's Roman numerals for 100)
This was blatantly stolen from Chapter 3 of TIQB so it had to go.

Question 38: It was originally going to be a maze question in which you SHOULD touch green thus obtaining a skip.  I figured since many people would touch green by accident, it would be hard not to obtain the powerup, and such a powerup would be extremely fishy.  Besides, recall the powerup cuts.

Question 40: Q 44 of TAQ was originally going to be Q 40, but somehow I decided to swap the questions.
Fusestoppers were originally going to be water buckets since water gets rid of fire (and it did extinguish bombs in Q 29 of TIQ 2).  There was going to be a water bucket hidden in this question tied to the rope.  But since the water buckets had their fate, I had to change the question.

Question 42: The correct answer "What's that supposed to mean" was originally going to say, "This question doesn't make sense..."

Question 43: Put the mouse on here - (you're supposed to put the mouse on the word "here" and keep it there while the bomb hits zero)
Wasn't comfortable with that one.  So it got the spot of the original Q 57.

Question 44: Q 40 of TAQ without changes.

Question 46: This question wasn't originally going to have a bomb.

"The Final Ten" was originally going to have the weird name "Cubey's Decathlon".

Question 51: This question was originally going to have a sleeping computer keyboard, where you're supposed to type SLEEP on the keys getting him to smile.  I found such a question much too egotistic, and there was already Q 17!

Question 52: Q 51 of TAQ.

Question 53: "Keep off the gray!" was originally going to be "Keep on the gray!" but in the latter case, I'd have to detect cheating at the millisecond (because if you're off-screen you'd be off the gray)!

Question 54: Another removed "Pick any four!!" where you were supposed to select the 4 in the question number.

Question 56: Which of the first 50 questions is your favorite? => Whatever you answer, there's a fake Game Over screen, and then it says "Just kidding, I respect your opinion!"
I didn't want to steal the fake Game Over idea from Q 107 of TIQ.

Question 57: TAQ 43.
The question that took its spot is something I feel like I've really accomplished.

Questions 58 and 59: These questions were originally the other way around with "Let's allow this bomb to detonate." in Q 58.  There, you were just supposed to keep your mouse right of "let's" where "NOT" shows up, and let the 6-second bomb hit 0.
I didn't want a question near the end to be that easy to those who know what to do.  So I changed it to mashing the area right of "let's", and swapped the questions.

Question 60: This was going to be an unskippable question where you must use all 3 water buckets you could've gotten, to defuse the 3 bombs and reunite with their parents for hibernation.  So if you either used a water bucket or failed to find one, there'd be no way to beat the game.
This question was vilely scrapped because:
(1) Sleep is egotistic
(2) It's pretty much Q 110 of the Impossible Quiz!

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